The diet industry is a $72 billion industry. Our culture is obsessed with weight loss and idolizes thinness, often equating it to health, beauty and morality. This westernized view of "health" has contributed to the alarming number of eating disorders across the world, with more than 28 million Americans alone struggling. Health At Every Size ® (HAES) is a modern approach that challenges the "thin ideal" and offers an inclusive approach to the treatment and care of bodies at all sizes, providing insight into the idea that health is more than just a number.
This webinar will explore diet culture’s influence on the healthcare industry today and how that influence has led to bias and harm, especially for those in larger bodies. Attendees will learn how to use the principles of HAES to identify their own biases around health and break down cultural stereotypes to move towards self-healing and body acceptance.
Learning Objectives:
Break down the myths of diet culture and understand its influence in society today
Understand the principles of Health At Every Size (HAES) and the positive benefits of HAES-informed care
Identify weight discrimination and personal bias and reframe negative self talk to work toward body acceptance
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